Be a Volunteer

It takes a village to make the conference possible. Volunteers are needed before, during, and after the conference. Please consider donating your time, energy, and talent.

IMG_5596 Betty Frierichsen & Mike Holliday 5-18-2019.JPG
  •  Registration/Check-In Desk Attendants – Welcome attendees as they arrive; provide conference materials. Verify registration and payment information.

  • Official Showcase/Group Meal Monitors - Help ensure only conference registrants attend official showcases, and only attendees who paid for included meals participate in those meals, by checking badges and meal tickets.

  • Guerrilla Showcases Hall Monitors – Help ensure only conference registrants attend guerrillas by checking badges. Help keep down the noise level and traffic congestion outside performance rooms.

  • Sound Equipment Load-In and Load-Out - Our veteran, two person sound crew needs people to help with the load-in of equipment Wednesday afternoon and load out on Saturday night or Sunday morning.

  • Official Showcase Assistant Stage Managers - Help manage official showcase performers on and off-stage; run the Green Room. Reports to Stage Manager. Needed at sound check 4-6PM.

  • Official Showcase Desk Attendants – Manage showcase performers' merch sales before, during and after showcases.

  • Workshop Setup – Help make sure workshop rooms are set up and well marked, that presenters have what they need, and monitor the clock. Report to Conference Director.

  • Runner/Floater – Be available to run an errand offsite or take care of unexpected matters on site. On-call position; car essential, local knowledge and Wednesday availability desirable.

  • Mentor Sessions Coordinator – Manage signup for mentor sessions. Make sure mentors are aware of session locations and schedule. Report to Conference Director.

  • Conference Photographer - Document all aspects of the conference for use in publicizing the event and in the next program book. Deliver high resolution photos to the conference director within two weeks after the conference by DropBox, Google Drive, DVD, or thumb drive.

  • Sunday Morning Cleanup - Gather any conference-related materials left behind on tables, lobby, etc. Discard or retain as appropriate.

If there are other ways you want to contribute, just let us know!